Villa Nova Restaurant
237 St. Charles Road
Villa Park, Illinois 60181

5:30pm - Associates Corner - Condominium Ispections by Mike Massart
6:30pm - Dinner
7:00pm - Main Presentation - EIFS Siding Issues by Ed Massart

EIFS Siding Issues

Water Will Always Win

Presented by Ed Massart



We all know that serious moistures issues can result in significant damage to the home if the exterior insulated finish system (EIFS) is not installed and maintained properly. You, as the professional home inspector, may be responsible for major repairs if you don't describe, disclose, or disclaim the issues properly. Especially if you are not EIFS certified, you should know the ins and outs of proper installation and what the common defects look like. You should know the proper way to recommend further investigation by an EIFS certified inspector. Our own Ed Massart is an expert EIFS inspector and will highlight issues with this siding technique. He will show us the most common defects found, where we can get detailed drawings, and most importantly; how to disclaim this material. He will tell you what it takes if you want to become certified.

Links for your preparation - An overview of the history of EIFS and past issues. - EIFS Insustry Manufacturers Association


Associates Corner

Condominium Inspections

Presented by Mike Massart

ChicagoCondoHow much of your business involves condominium inspections? What is your approach? Do you inspect the specific unit only or do you include common areas? If you don't inspect some or all of the common areas how do you document that in the report? These questions, and more of your own will be answered by Mike Massart. What a benefit to have an experienced inspector open his business to help others understand the possibilities that exist for future business. Join Mike, and the rest of NICASHI, as we discuss this potential opportunity.


Don't miss this month. The knowledge you gain will be second to none.

home inspection company